
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Random Thoughts

I've noticed I tend to write a lot about what frustrates me, which is frustrating
because generally I'm not a frustrated person, therefore I thought I would write a little post about some of my non frustrating random thoughts/wonders.

If I'm left too long on my own, without background noise or something to entertain me then my mind starts to wander, and when that happens some crazy questions and debates come to head. Most recently I got to thinking about how our bodies work, how odd it was that every thing connects for a reason and has a purpose, even breathing is freaky when you think about it properly, all the signals that are being sent around your body without you even really knowing about it, just to keep your heart beating, it's scary! Then I got to thinking about how your brain controls everything, even just lifting your arm, you have to think about it before doing it, which I put to the test. I tried to swing my arm without thinking about it, which was just stupid because of course my arm swung, clearly I wanted it to. Despite this I still continued trying to move my arms without thinking about it, which obviously just made me look like a fool with no control over my limbs!

Anyway, after this moment of stupidity passed, my thoughts shifted to why we have certain body parts and how they make a difference to the way we live, which then posed the question of, 'What don't we need' - now this question, as simple as it may seem, is a lot harder to answer than you may think. People are born everyday without certain bodily functions or abilities, and they learn to live with it, my brother couldn't walk but he didn't let that stop him living a normal life. So I toyed with a few ideas of parts of the body that if we never knew about, wouldn't really be a miss. First idea I had was the Ear, not the part that helps us hear, but the actual outer ear, but then of course how would we keep our glasses on, or what would we tuck our hair behind when it falls in our face hmmmm. Toes helps us balance so they would be a miss.Then I got stuck and lost interest in my own thoughts.

I then went back to the stupidity part of the debate (all just in my head of course) and started trying to say words without thinking about what I wanted to say, have you ever tried it, it's just impossible, obviously, but I was determined to keep trying, blurting out random words trying to trick my brain, eventually I admitted defeat after thinking about every stupid word I blurted out, and my brain telling me I was an idiot for trying.

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